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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

Secret cult violence has occurred in Nigerian higher education institutions during the previous two decades. Cult activities including bloodletting and the wasting of human lives have reached frightening proportions. Secret cult attacks are characterized by anxiety, misery, anguish, devastation, and death. Cult activities at Nigerian educational institutions have been widely reported in the media. When compared to the situation of cultism in other Nigerian universities such as the University of Ibadan, University of Jos, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Ahamdu Bello University, and others, the case of Benue State is particularly concerning. Cult activities have continued to grow in Benue Ivory towers because to the mistaken belief that cults and their adherents are invincible. One key aspect that works in favor of cult organizations is widespread illiteracy among students, particularly new ones. These new pupils have been duped and hoodwinked into joining their "dead cemetery." Campus secret cults are entirely hollow and devoid of genuine doctrine (Bush, 2009).

The rise of cultism in Benue State's higher education institutions is a stark truth. The issue gets much more concerning when one considers that Benue society is currently rife with cultic activities.

There is usually a spillover of stress and crisis from university to town. Tranquility, which had been the Benue people's inheritance for many years, has now become a fantasy. Within a decade, the numerous higher institutions of learning in the state had experienced one type of disturbance or another as a result of cultists' activity. These problems reached their apex in 1990 and have since resisted severe collapse. As a result, intellectual activities in schools are suffocating (Stack, 2000). People's religious, political, economic, and social life are jeopardized. The mood is tight, and there is a sense of unease both on and off campus. This study project is placed against this backdrop.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

Universities, as higher education institutions, are centers for teaching, learning, and research into societal and global issues. Campus cult activities in higher institutions pose a severe danger to the achievement of this laudable goal according to Almed (2008).  Cult activities have resulted in the deaths of students and even instructors on campus. According to newspaper sources, several other academic institutions in Benue State live in constant terror of cult activity on campus. Observers argue that if these negative tendencies are not identified and addressed, the future role of educational institutions as agents of social change and national development would be jeopardized. Against this backdrop, this study was faced with the challenge of legitimately demonstrating the influence of cultism on tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

1.3 Objective Of The Study

The general objective of this study is to critically examine the effect of cultism on tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Specifically the study is armed at;

  1. Identifying the causes of cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
  2. Identifying the effect of cultism on tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
  3. Identifying the strategies for curbing cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Question

This study will be guided by the following questions;

  1. What are the causes of cultism in tertiary institutions?
  2. What is the effect of cultism on tertiary institutions?
  3. What are the strategies for curbing cultism in tertiary institutions?
  4. Do the institution authorities and the students themselves have a positive altitude towards National building?

1.5 Significance Of The Study

This study will be of use to the Nigerian government and relevant authorities in the tertiary institutions of Nigeria by obtaining detailed information on the nature, patterns, and causes of cultism in tertiary institutions and better ways to address the problems of cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Similarly, the information will assist the government in developing effective control measures for Nigerian tertiary institutions. For staff and students who are potential victims of cultism in tertiary institutions, studying will be of immense help. Additionally, this study will serve as a source of information for researchers, students and other academics.

1.6 Scope Of The Study

This study on the effect of cultism on tertiary institutions in Nigeria is focused on identifying the causes of cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria, identifying the effect of cultism on tertiary institutions in Nigeria and identifying the strategies for curbing cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Hence the study is delimited to Benue State University, Nigeria.

1.7 Limitation Of The Study

The possibility that some of the respondents may not be honest with their responses may affect the result. However, the number of the responses were good enough for meaningful generalization of the result.

1.8 Definition Of Terms

Tertiary Institution: This is an Institutions that offer post-secondary education.

Cultism:  This is a devotion to the doctrine or a cult or to the practices of a cult.

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